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Wednesday, December 01, 2010
My first blogpost in years (since it has been more than one year) and I decided to dedicate this post to [Confessions], a movie I just watched not long ago, and can easily be one of the best few films I have watched in recent years o.O

Warning: Long post. As always.

This movie got me thinking longer than [Inception] got me thinking. I'm not trying to say that it's better than inception; they are both great movies in a different way from one another. One is a sci-fi heist which speaks of a greater philosophical idea, but other than the unexpected technological creativity involved (afterall, it's sci-fi) the plot, I would say, is not that surprising? Confessions, on the other hand, may seem much more down-to-earth, yet at the same time out of mind, with its unexpected and plotful twists. However, it was more thought provoking simply because we could relate better to it since it magnifies many present social issues, whether they are global or japan-specific (since it's a Japanese film in all sense).

I'm rather lazy to dissect the issues one by one, but I guess I'll identify what I could catch (go watch the movie and find out for yourself!). Through what happens to different people in the story as well as what they do, it brings out Japanese social issues such as school bullying, loopholes in their juvenile legal system; and at bigger scales :

over emphasis of sex and violence in the mass media,
the internet as a means of proliferation for violence and spreading of wrong/ warped ideologies, youth ennui, eugenics (very brief)
consequences (though rather extreme, but conceivable) of different kind of motherhood (over-protective type, negligent type),
how things cannot be undone and one has to bear its consequences
and more importantly, the equality in the value of life.

* The protagonist's husband got HIV from 'overseas', some racism here, indicating promiscuity of caucasians, okay but maybe I'm thinking too much...
**The use of HIV here was weak, and random at best in my opinion, though it does serve in bringing across the point of valuing life, as well as propagating the complex plot.

As the plot is unveiled slowly, character by character, event by event, at an appropriate pace such that I was constantly being drawn into the story, feeling slightly like one of the innocent student by the side, looking at what what going on. Whenever someone died, the motion gets slowed down and the music turns into a very calming, hopeful kind, painting a very surreal and relaxed picture in my mind; contrasting vastly with what was happening. This however, made it very clear to me that I was watching a movie. Though I personally don't like that, I still thought it was an very interesting anti-climax to the bomb on the audience.

The style of the movie was also very strikingly japanese, much use of dialogues and full view of the scene with ZERO close-ups as much as I can remember. Along with the kind of colour used (blue, grey. . didn't really see my favourite orange) made me feel very distant, which added on to the creepiness of the show, aside those from the slight gore. Another interesting thing I found, was the use of "Pop, you just lost something important" something along this line, which together with the cutting of the background music, made my heart stop one beat, and felt slightly deprived of hope.

Coming to a conclusion, it was a great attempt at creating film highlighting to us many issues at a time (risky, yet properly done - perhaps the book it was adapted from was well written), through the detailed diving into the psychology and thought processes of the characters. Though like many movies, it commits to the belief that unnoticeable and seemibgly unimportant events can lead to highly improbable and warped twists in reality; but believe it or not, every drip of harsh reality reflected in this movie is capable of manifesting itself in your or-so-you-thought mundane and secure daily lives. I would definitely recommend this show to everyone (less those who are lazy to think, or has an overly weak heart).

*sorry, my thoughts are quite messy I know, the movie messed up my mind abit

I had wanted to try blogging in Chinese, but I confess that the standard of my mandarin isn't where it used to be already, and hence i gave up on that idea. Maybe some other time. No pun intended anyway ;p
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
9:14:00 AM

Saturday, November 20, 2010
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
8:24:00 PM

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Long since i blogged =XX

Anyway, wen bin (Dirty loo) + jon + me + ateng (new spelling by karina) eating dinner = joke

You can ask ateng how she laughed until magnitude 10 was reached.
started off at 4, every 15 secs the magnitude increased. Until it reached 6.
It reached 7 caused she started having stomach cramps.
8 was reached caused we realised she laughed over nothing.
9 was when she laughed until she became violent and started hitting me.
It was 10 when everyone was amused and started laughing hysterically (esp. Dirty) together.

JinZhi was trying hard to think of an english name for herself, she says it for convenience.
Lucy? good right, she dun wan.

Anyway the main joke, and reason why im here,
Jinzhi sees Jason putting his leg on her chair when she went to buy goreng pisang.
Jinzhi: "Why you so unglam!"
Jonathan:"Look who's talking"

LOL, when she was buying we were asking Dirty whether she was the most unglam girl he has seen, but it quite easy to answer. =PP

I feel like bloggin alot of things, but i got other things to do zzz. ciao.
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
8:26:00 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Ah Teng's new volcab : Funner.

Lol, and before we could have anymore new volcab from her, the game ended due to abrupt rain during group PE. zZzz of all time.
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
8:07:00 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Ok, i'm compelled to blog, cause i just can't keep all the stupid things in me unsaid.

Today is like one of the most unlucky of my life. ok maybe abit exaggerated. I attribute this lack of luck to the fact that Cei sent me 2 emails (you know the one with some eccentric pictures) i realise i didn't read the instructions clearly and only sent to 8 people instead of 20 -.-

So, don't send me such things again k.

Today had TKD comm. meeting ya and went to opposite for lunch (usual). Was happily eating my cai4 fan4 when a pigeon flew over and sat on the metal thingy near the ceiling (right above me as you expected) suddenly, YES, it released it's cannon. Luckily it didn't hit me, landed right at the area at my side. Or i swear i will be eating roasted pigeon.

Then I was heading to the busstop outside side gate. So i walked leisurely, all the walk to the side gate. TO REALISE it's locked -.- So i begrudgingly (notice the effort to improve on my english) walked my way to the main gate. Halfway walking, i felt a stir in my stomach (yes profound phrasing for stomachache) so i had to detour to the toilet.

When i finally trudged my way to the main gate, it started drizzling and i realise i dun have an umbrella cause i brought the wrong bag (k maybe this my fault) BUT imagine that i still have a long route to walk and it started SHOWERING! grr, and i was totally drenched. i was like hoping for a car to stop and let me hitch a ride. but yes, no cars stopped.

when i was nearing the bus-stop, 196 and 197 went past =.= ok fine. i resign to my fate. i waited damn long, enough to dry my hair and pants and everything. Then later, stupidly, i had to cross some unsheltered pedestrain crossing and got my whole everything wet again. zZzz.

thinking my bad luck was almost ending. fat hope.

on my way home i was stuck at a bus-stop for 45mins despite being 3 bus-stops away. Cause 5 bus 60 went past without even opening the doors cause it was brimming with people. like sardines. The bus drivers were giving me handsigns saying no space. all 5 did the same thing. i rolled my eyes at the 3rd and subsequent bus drivers after being irritated by the first 2.

Finally, i took bus 506 (express bus) back. It's usually pathetically empty (like 3, 4 ppl in the whole bus) and today i barely got up as it was full of people. how timely.

Ok, no more complaints.

Went to bugis with my parents and sis to have dinner ya. Super full la, nice place, my mum insisted on going there. Wong Kok i think.

On a side note, my dad is good at luring ppl. I was happily shopping with my mum as he wandered off to electronics shop (typical of him) Then he called me, "eh, here got alot of DS games leh" yes i see those everywhere, but i immediately arrived. Lol, cause he must have saw some games i like. But i decided not to buy, coz i have no time for it. Yes, noble of me.

My blog is full of idle chatter. And i realised it QUITE lengthy =X
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
10:15:00 PM

Sunday, February 24, 2008
After reading Ivan's blog, i realise that most probably, my life is gonna become a born-study-work-die kinda thing. So sad to think of that. Haiz, and i'm lost amidst all the thinking about how to change my rountine. So boring to go through the same thing everyday, even though it is quite inevitable at times.

Just got a peek of the SC nomination poster on his blog, i like it =) Nice, as usual, coming out from the hands of our creative directors.

"Challenge yourself, Leave a legacy." I wonder how many of us actually achieved that ya, even though we sure hope we did.
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
5:33:00 PM

Friday, February 15, 2008
Yes, i agree life only has two choices.

But not to 'choose the right one'.

I think it is ensuring the choice you have made right for you.

If you choose to walk down that road, don't come to a conclusion that it is a wrong choice. Continue walking with your morality and principles.

And it will turn out right.

Sounds like a stand for GP essay.

And yea Cei, blogging is nothing more than idle chatting and self-indulgence. LOL
o oO 0oOo o0oHAD signifies the past, reflect your REGRETSo0o oOo0 Oo o
11:11:00 PM

hey stalker, stalker hey!
hey, can you do this?
*spits orange juice*
all-time favs!
obviously ANNOYING ORANGE!!!
myself w/ mac ^.^
say hi!

how many are actually still active lor
|李fAt jOnz捍良|
|王cArOl ---俐玲|
what i had!
|March 2007|
|April 2007|
|May 2007|
|June 2007|
|July 2007|
|August 2007|
|October 2007|
|November 2007|
|December 2007|
|January 2008|
|February 2008|
|March 2008|
|April 2008|
|November 2010|
|December 2010|
thank yous!
|adobe photoshop|